Sunday, February 12, 2023

Our Lord Jesus Christ: Maker of Us, Savior and Ruler of Heaven and Earth

Prince of Peace by Yongsung Kim

 The Lord God helps me through the Holy Spirit to write:  Its purpose and main goals are two-fold: 1) to be a helper to show people Who Jesus Christ is and what a great God we have, serve, and love!!  My hope and prayer is that each person will take Jesus as Lord and Savior, "not lest one fall (that no one should fall/fail to be saved)."  2) I encourage people who read these postings, who are already believers in the faith of Christ to be encouraged and renewed, also to bring people who have "left" the faith to return to Him again- re-commitment!  Ah, yes- to plant seeds of hope, understanding and knowledge of the Only True Creator and Savior, LORD, there is- Christ Jesus, the Messiah, the Beginning and the End, the Lover of our Souls Who wants you to join Him when it is time, one day in Heaven- to be in Heaven forever with Him, accepting God's Son Jesus  as your LORD God and Savior divine!  You want to choose Heaven, not Hell!  It is your decision, Friend. Tell God now!  Pray to God the Father, to accept Christ, take Jesus into your heart and start by being in His Kingdom, here on Earth, then continuing one day in His Heavenly Kingdom for ever and ever!  The Holy Spirit Himself comes in to dwell with you immediately and helps so very, very much to guide you, giving you truth and direction, hope, and comfort, as He teaches you! 

Donna M.

February 13, 2023