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Jeremiah 18:2-6; Isaiah 64:8; many more herein |
When the LORD Almighty makes us a promise, it is solid- He is the Rock, our Promise, the Cornerstone, Jehovah Rapha, El Roi, the Maker of the Way, the Light on our Life, and yea, even our Light for the pathway and lamp for our feet. (Psalm 119:105 105Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. He is the Promise Keeper, our Faith, our Trust, and Hope. He always delivers what He says He will. He is the Rock of our Salvation!!! Forever and forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I was raised by a Christian mother who loved Jesus very, very much. She still does- she is with alive in Him and with Him now in Heaven for eternity! She has a real body and can run, pray, talke with family and friends; she makes new friends and has unbelievable experiences never known before! New colors unseen! She is the most pretty, the most happy and alive, and she is with God! She gets to see Jesus all of the time. Dorothy Ella Binder McCoy lives in the glory of God, for always and always. The daughter of Christian parents, she is one of ten children. I know this as surely as I am telling you right now!
God's Promise to Us-
John 14:1-6 New King James Version (NKJV)
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
14 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many [a]mansions; if it were not so, [b]I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know.”
5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the ONLY fully holy God, fully Man, Who has ever walked the Earth and then was crucified upon the cross, perfectly innocent as a lamb, the Lamb of God, to expiate, take our sins, and arose to Heaven to rule the world with perfect love and perfect justice. He is Joyful if you have already accepted His Promise of Life everlasting in Heaven! If you have not done so yet, or need desperately to recommit to Jesus, please do so by now sincerely saying this prayer to God (you may also tell Him in your own words...).
God made it so that each of us can know absolutely! where we are going when we die; it says so in the Bible! Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that He is the Son of God Who gave His Life for YOU and ME, died, was resurrected, and now sits at the right hand of His Father in Heaven...sincerely tell the LORD so, in a prayer about yourself and Him!
A Prayer of Salvation
Dearest Father in Heaven,
I am so thankful that you have made me and have a plan just for me. You gave Your only begotten Son Jesus the Christ to take my place for the forgiveness of my sins. How can I thank You enough? I believe that Jesus is my Lord and my Savior, and I want to go to Heaven when I pass on from this Earth, where I will be with you forever and ever! It will be something I have never seen or could see anywhere else in the world. No crying, no worrying, love and laughter and greater things to see with my own eyes! I turn from my sins; please forgive me, God, and help me to stay on your true and loving path.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
You have done it! You can use this prayer or others, or your own way of telling God if you accept Him; you are His forever and always, in to eternity. If you have been saved but need to recommit, please do so now, with that prayer, or your own words! God knows your every thought and feeling, you heart and mind.
New believer or one who recommits to Jesus, find a church where you are authentically welcome, with believers in Christ Jesus- alone- no other false gods or shams of ceremonies; the Bible is believed, preached, and followed. And NOW you have the Holy Spirit, Who has come to live with you here and now to guide you, direct you, speak to you, and many more- all good things!
God bless you. I pray for you daily, sister and brother in Christ. We are now truly called the children of God!
Childhood Memories
My mom always took my sister and me to church. Our dad came with us at least twice a year at Christmas and Easter- I have the priceless pictures, to me, to show that fact. We girls- Mom, Sherry and I were wearing our Easter bonnets, darling dresses, gloves (in the fifties) and socks or hose with beautiful patent leather Mary Janes (shoes)- Mom had her black heels, of course. Dad wore a handsome black suit with white shirt and a tie, and he had on extra polished black wingtips (once again, shoes)! We had pictures by the family car.
I was dedicated and accepted Christ (not really sure on the latter) at age 8; however, I know for certain that I took Christ into my heart and mind at age 25, believing in Him and following Him all the days of my Life. Links to my salvation story...
What a difference He has made in my Life! I feel His Presence, the Holy Spirit ministers and guides me, and I have felt His power grow stronger and stronger. I physically sense by the power of my upper body when He wants me to worship Him, to have time alone together, and to perhaps hear His voice. Sometime I will explain more about this progression of an intimate, loving God- always very decent, never pushy, and softly being with me.
Why am I telling you these things? I am giving you an idea of who I am in relation to God- indeed, I am a believer and disciple of Lord Jesus Christ- the One God, Triune: Who is God the Father; God the Son~ Jesus; and God the Holy Spirit. He is my Creator, and I am- as you are- His created one.
A Real Concern
My concern is the following: why do some people seem to think, even espouse, that they have the right to put themselves above Almighty God? He is the Potter; we are His clay! He is our Maker! He has given us the right to be called children of God, sons and daughters of the Almighty! And the LORD knew of each of us before the foundation of the world and all of its parts- which includes His plan of salvation in our LORD and Savior, He Who made us! Christ Jesus. God knew and knows the purposes for each of us. He knows our every thought, even before we think it- every part and parcel/particle of our being. He gave us free will, so He does not and will never control us like automatons. He wants our Love, Honor, Worship, an intimate relationship with Him- all of that and more that we willingly love and give. He will not force the Truth that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected- that wholly and holy sacrificial act of Christ at great cost to Him and done in complete Love and a desire that each one can accept Him and be with Him in Heaven some day! How can any of us truly think that we have anything to do with our coming to this life on Earth? Did I have anything to do, any power or ability in being conceived, in my mother's womb where I grew to maturity to be born, and then was born? Of course not. Even my parents did not create my DNA, nor did they breathe life into me. Our Lord God knew me before I was in my mother's womb. He knew of me before the foundations of the Earth, which He made. He made everything! We are completely dependent on God, and that is wonderful and right!
God is the Creator of ALL life in the universe, most including you and me, made in His image, the only creation He designated in His image!
Have you ever wondered~
why you are the way you are!?
why you are the way you are!?
Well...we are made by God- in His image- that is the most important factor~!!! Holiness of the Triune Three, Each had a part in making you, but Jesus is the One, Who is called our Creator. Do not let the evil one, (the devil, Beelzebub, Satan ...) work his plan of betrayal upon you against Jesus Christ!!! Jesus said, If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father! This Person (One of the Three of the One God) is Jesus, the Lord of lords and the King of kings- no other!!! Do not believe in anyone else aside from Christ Jesus.
One of the Ten Commandments is: You shall have no others gods before me.
John 14:6 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
John 14:7-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
The Father Revealed
7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”
8 Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.”
9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.
There are many factors, but they boil down to an essential few. The most important factors in who you are~ are your heart, your mind, your soul and your spirit. The LORD gave you each of these. When or if you have accepted Christ Jesus into your heart and walk with Him is the most important fact.
Ultimately everything pales to this one choice. Yes, it is your choice. Praise God! You cannot blame anyone, hail or laud anyone, only you have the Choice for yourself- your eternity and where you will spend it- forever, always. No excuses. You cannot blame your abundance or your lack of awareness and acceptance of God in Christ Jesus. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then it is sealed forever, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell you to help, to give you knowledge and wisdom, his discernment, and strength. Jesus walks beside you, and yet He stands at the right hand of God the Father on His throne; Jesus is interceding for you constantly. You need to be Jesus' follower. There are things we do not know about God, but the Holy Bible is key and so is being in fellowship with a welcoming, Jesus Christ-believing and Bible-believing church. No fake and weird stuff, no added information or that so-in-so said this, no untruths Just keep in step with Jesus : )
~Donna M., Servant of Christ and His Daughter of
My Beloved Jesus!~
Godspeed, and Jesus keeps us!
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