Picture courtesy of~~~ https://www.google.com/#q=www.godisreal.today%2Fpictures-of-jesus%2F
~~~Today's and the @@@First Part posted February 2016 (just below), were inspired and are dedicated to my good friend Nicolai. He is a believer in Jesus Christ, and he had the courage to share with my close friend Jan Bracken ###(see her links below) and me very sad and terrible pictures of wounded and killed people in his homeland who were murdered by a heinous leader. Thank you, Nicolai, for your courage to press on toward Christ and shine His Light bravely as we move each day a little closer to Heaven!! With love, Donna
Acknowledging, Learning & Listening, and Loving our God,
Including Making Time for Him Each Day
Toward the very end of my mother's last days on Earth, I asked her one day what we should like to pray. She paused only a slight moment to think as she said, "Let's pray for the people." I had never heard my mother comment quite that way before- as much as she believed in Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior, relying on Him, praying to God... her words came forth with important clarity and of single purpose: "Let's pray for the people." It was very profound. She could not have said a better or more apt, loving thing. The people. All the people. The ones that God, our Almighty King and Savior has made in His own image. I was and am very proud, thankful and ever-amazed at who my mother was and even better now, who she is completely in Christ in Heaven! At the time mother said 'let's pray for the people', she was in the throes of the last months of life here while living and functioning as best she could with Alzheimer's/Dementia.
My beautiful mother loved her Lord and Savior Jesus above all. She had an intimate, completely trusting and confident relationship with Him. She was absolutely sure of her Salvation because the Bible told her so! Mom was raised by a God-fearing and loving Christian mother and father (just like my sister and I were raised by our Christian mom : ), and our Grandma Binder spent time every day reading her Bible. The family was in church every time the doors were open. They were not wealthy by any means, but they gave to others as they could. Grandpa and Grandma had a total of ten children, of course, spread over some 20 years. Young or old, the children knew that when their mother was reading the Bible and spending time with God in prayer and meditation- you did not bother her!
We believers in Christ Jesus, who worship and adore Him as our personal Savior and the Lord of our lives- must spend time with Him each day. Early/first thing in the day is best- then throughout as we can- and ending the day with some Scripture and prayer is a most helpful practice and Joy. If you are afraid, struggling, unsure or dissatisfied- even facing very important and difficult happenings in life- stop to pray; read the Bible; speak out some Scriptures that you know that encourage and remind you of Who is Your Lord, Your Creator/Maker, and how supremely capable He is in your life!!!
One more thing I am reminded to say- surely it is the Holy Spirit Himself Who guides me in my writing- I ask Him for His help; He is always more than welcome!! I am so grateful to the Lord in all of this... Surely, I say, "Come, Lord, awaken in me what you might have me to say!! For only YOU know exactly who will be reading this work of love for You and Your children (us)."
Remember to Keep Praying and Not to Give Up
We are not aware of every factor that is involved in God's listening to and answering our prayers.
However, we know He hears them. Sometimes He is saying yes, sometimes no, and other times, wait.
Saints, be faithful and persevere in your prayer thankfulness and requests!
In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 10
…12Then he said to me, "Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. 13"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia. 14"Now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision pertains to the days yet future."…Daniel 10: 12-14.Daniel's prayer went to God, but when the angel was responding back to Daniel, it took 21 days for the angel to get through from the Lord. There was such fierce fighting and impediment to interfere with the good angel's flight to Earth because a bad angel, a demon, was keeping the good angel from arriving with God's answer. Archangel Michael had to go to help the angel who was in such bitter combat with the demon.
We pray together:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Dear Heavenly Father,
We don’t have to woo and coax You – You always stand ready
for those of us in Christ- You love all your children, but sons and daughters,
co-heirs in Jesus Christ, have the unending glorious power from the authority of our Savior to live out our lives and make a difference in others' lives.
Oh, come, Holy Spirit and anoint us. We thank you Father, Son, and Spirit of the Lord for our lives and especially that we are alive! in You!
Oh, come, Holy Spirit and anoint us. We thank you Father, Son, and Spirit of the Lord for our lives and especially that we are alive! in You!
We pray for your children here on Earth, Lord, all of us
need Your help urgently, but especially those who are under terrible duress- no
matter what it is. No matter who the
person is- even if evil, that person, giving up him/herself to You and asking
You, Jesus Christ, can have eternal Life.
You forget as far as the east is from the west, and put our sin down in
deep waters of the oceans- they are gone forever; You wash us white and clean as snow, forever. We live in You, God, utterly and completely~~~ loving You
first, then our neighbors as ourselves.
We often give up things for ourselves to love others first. Let us help and bless our fellow person-
especially children, Lord!! We ask for
all innocent people to be let go of the BAD- the devil Satan, and his minions- the demons!! Only the Good Father, You,
Lord, are our Father and Abba Daddy!! There is no fear in You, Oh God!!
It is imperative that we as Christians, spend time alone
with You, Lord, each day- in Your Word, which is The Holy Bible, and praying and
meditating upon Truth and the people for whom we want to and need to pray, especially the ones that you have in our circles of influence such as co-workers and neighbors. Ever since
Adam and Even had to leave the Garden of Eden where they had intimate access,
even walking together with You, God, in the morning of the day…You do not leave
us alone and abandoned, No! We have -
and it is upon each of us because you value and gave each of us free will - to accept You by telling You that we believe in Your
Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth; that You sent Him to be the Living Sacrifice upon the
cross, to take on ALL of the sin that had ever been, is and would be because He
is the Only Perfect Lamb of God, without sin, totally Holy, so He could pay our
sin debt…You cannot be in the darkness of evil, yet You love us so much that we
are justified and being sanctified by the Blood of Jesus Christ- His death, burial,
resurrection, and ascension to Heaven- then, so the Holy Spirit of God, the
third part of Your One Godship, the Trinity.
Once we have Salvation from Jesus Christ, we are saved! However, You do expect us to have a life
like Jesus' life where we serve our fellow man/woman, of course including
children! We are not to sit idly by,
just learning and taking in for ourselves alone the greatness of You without
giving!! Faith without works is dead.***
God, we pray for the disheartened, lonely, sick, discouraged and depressed. For these burdens to lightened and even removed! We pray for individuals who have trouble focusing on work or a task; help them to do something, then to move to the next item. If we fall short, we can push the delete button and quickly move on to do better without wallowing in our mistakes. It most certainly makes the difference to pray in the morning for no interference, patience, and persistence. Help call people and friends, even good strangers, to reach out to the needy in spirit and body.
Help us show Your love, to see the world through Your eyes, Jesus.
Help us to be Light in a very dark world and not afraid to speak out boldly and lovingly of the Treasure that You, Alone! are!!
Foil the plans and evil schemes of lawbreakers and people haters. Keep sending your angels to thwart and stop any demonic activity against humanity. We appreciate you, Lord, more than we can ever say- we will spend our lives thanking You and adoring You for Who You are and for giving Your all, Your Son, for our faults, our iniquities, our pride and arrogance, our lack of humility, and our sin.
We give special attention to people who feel their lives have been stolen away! No one can ever take away a person's inside- mind, body, and soul and spirit. Those imprisoned and taken away from their most beloved! Let them feel Your loving Presence with Your arms 'round about them.
Take AWAY human trafficking, the ravages of war, refugees' hopelessness and loss of home, all oppressed, tortured, raped, murdered and ravaged by war, Oh LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Terrible memories, be gone in the Name of Jesus Christ!!
The procurers of pornography and prostitution; of hate and torture must answer to You, All-powerful God, for each and every hurt and horror they have perpetrated! We pray for their souls- that they will come to a saving knowledge of You, Christ, before it is too late.
Thank You, Jesus, for helping us and guarding us from so many horrid things. Thank Your for food, shelter, our Salvation above all, and so very much our families- children, parents, siblings- and those we feel like family who are such blessed friends.
In Sweet Jesus' Name, Amen.
God, we pray for the disheartened, lonely, sick, discouraged and depressed. For these burdens to lightened and even removed! We pray for individuals who have trouble focusing on work or a task; help them to do something, then to move to the next item. If we fall short, we can push the delete button and quickly move on to do better without wallowing in our mistakes. It most certainly makes the difference to pray in the morning for no interference, patience, and persistence. Help call people and friends, even good strangers, to reach out to the needy in spirit and body.
Help us show Your love, to see the world through Your eyes, Jesus.
Help us to be Light in a very dark world and not afraid to speak out boldly and lovingly of the Treasure that You, Alone! are!!
Foil the plans and evil schemes of lawbreakers and people haters. Keep sending your angels to thwart and stop any demonic activity against humanity. We appreciate you, Lord, more than we can ever say- we will spend our lives thanking You and adoring You for Who You are and for giving Your all, Your Son, for our faults, our iniquities, our pride and arrogance, our lack of humility, and our sin.
We give special attention to people who feel their lives have been stolen away! No one can ever take away a person's inside- mind, body, and soul and spirit. Those imprisoned and taken away from their most beloved! Let them feel Your loving Presence with Your arms 'round about them.
Take AWAY human trafficking, the ravages of war, refugees' hopelessness and loss of home, all oppressed, tortured, raped, murdered and ravaged by war, Oh LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Terrible memories, be gone in the Name of Jesus Christ!!
The procurers of pornography and prostitution; of hate and torture must answer to You, All-powerful God, for each and every hurt and horror they have perpetrated! We pray for their souls- that they will come to a saving knowledge of You, Christ, before it is too late.
Thank You, Jesus, for helping us and guarding us from so many horrid things. Thank Your for food, shelter, our Salvation above all, and so very much our families- children, parents, siblings- and those we feel like family who are such blessed friends.
In Sweet Jesus' Name, Amen.
Mother's Singing Beautiful about God's Love for Her Baby, Moved to Tears!
Video, just above here, submitted by dearest Jan Bracken!! Further, here are Jan's two contributions to The Healing is Always Christ. Both are equally good; however, the first, entitled "From Crib to Cross to Crown" is the highest read posting on this blog!
###From Crib to Cross to Crown and
The Wedding Invitation and GO!
:::~A Salvation Prayer~:::
Please tell God the following, from your heart and mind, being truly earnest and yearning for Salvation in Christ alone! You can tell God in your own words, of course. Let your heart be your guide in speaking to Him, be yourself- you are who He created for His special purposes for others, yourself, and your family, even the world.
Dear Father in Heaven, I am sorry for the mistakes I have made, and I want to start fresh in Jesus Christ. I believe that you sent Him to die for my sins, that He arose on the third day, and then, over a month's time, He ascended to Heaven to sit at your right hand and to intercede for me and all people in His glory and splendor. He will be returning for His own, and I want to be and will be with them because I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Thank You, Lord, and help me to walk with You daily, to do my best according to Your Word, the Bible, and to pray, to be in fellowship with people of the Body of Christ. Help me to find a true and good church. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
(Please be sure to follow up by sharing your statement of faith in Christ Jesus with your pastor or another firm believer!! It is good to join in together in the Body of Christ to celebrate your decision, Friend!! I hope and pray that you take time each day to read and to study and meditate upon the Word of God; that you pray; and that you fellowship in a solid, loving and welcoming church where Jesus Christ is preached and The Holy Bible is used regularly as our compass. Angels in Heaven are celebrating greatly over y our personal decision, My Friend!!)
***James 2:14-26 Faith Without Works is Dead
Please read a very recent posting, "A Cure for Loneliness" from the Active Relational Christian Mentoring blog by another dearest friend &&&Vicky Thomas. It fits right in so well with today's focus of people feeling desperate and lonely; I am sure you will gather help from her insightful and lovingly written posting in Christ. I encourage you to read more within Vicky's studied and life-long walk with Jesus Christ! Jan Bracken, Vicky Thomas and I studied several years together from the Bible and various Christian books on "prayer". We prayed very much together each meeting time at Vicky's house as well as sang together as Jan played the piano- priceless memories that still feed me about Jesus Christ to this day and beyond.
&&&A Cure for Loneliness at Active Mentoring in Christ
God bless you today and always, Dear Friends...in Christ alone we have our breath, our life, our moving and very being. May we further God's Kingdom while, yet, even here on Earth as it is for now...
'til that Glorious Day in Heaven!
Donna M.