I hope you like
these thoughts and poems
about the Lord Almighty!
Today's writing is dedicated to a very close and dear friend of mine, Marguerite Mount Brown, in memory and honor of her lovely sister, Kathy Mount Luedtke, who passed into Glory with our Lord Jesus Christ this last week! Kathy was (and is, because she continues to live in a more fantastic manner and way we can only peek at in the Bible) a kind and gentle woman; her voice and face are beautiful, and she exuded love. She truly loved all the most special people in her life, but particularly~~~she loves her precious daughters. I extend my heartfelt and most loving condolences to her father, her husband Mark, sisters Lynn and Marguerite, beloved daughters, four granddaughters! and two grandsons! nieces and nephews, and all family and friends. Although Kathy is not with us at present~ apart from the body, present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-8), she continues to love her family, her church and Jesus, with Whom she lives now! Can you imagine?~~~ Kathy is seeing Jesus' real face and hearing His genuine voice. She is forever and always- HOME.
Heaven is the greatest place we will ever be- exciting, purposeful, beyond our imagination, hopes, and dreams~ where there is never sadness, evil deeds or people, competition, illness, brokenness, people unworthy of trust, nor ever experience separation from our loving Lord again, and those of us who have accepted His "free," to us, not to Him, gift of Salvation, will be there forever and ever! It is quite, that simple!
He is spectacular and amazing, above all of our knowledge and wisdom...
Stay in the Word of God, which is the Bible, to keep learning His Truth in Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible is full of many true-life stories of real people just like you and me, including psalms, revelations, and actual happenings and events in the Life of Jesus, the Son of God... Who willingly came to earth for those He made in His image, just for you and me, so that we could: 1. Know of Him; 2. Accept Him as our Lord and Savior; and 3. Continue on following Him as His disciples~~~making other disciples! (I learned Number 3 (just above) much more this past church's sermon/s and last weekend at a great weekend conference that our church, Community Life Church, in Shawnee, Kansas, hosted.) We are to love God first, then love and help others, as we also care for ourselves. The first and second greatest commendments. (Jesus answered this when asked, and, yes, there are the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai.)
The more we follow Jesus to be like Him each day in our walk; the more we fellowship with true believers in Christ; and continue to study and learn together, praying with one another in the Body of Christ~ and to pray alone as Jesus did with the Father......if we do these things with an openness of heart to learn and to possess the mind of our King of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus, we will be blessed! For who has known the Lord's mind, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ. - (1 Corinthians 2:16). What we do counts! Helping others, having compassion, loving one another, and showing in truth and authentic love the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. - Galations 5:22-23) are signs to the Lord~ our body of Christ in the church~ and the world~ that we are God's Beloved, true believers in Jesus Christ as our Lod and Savior. The Bible is all about Almighty God's Names, Character, Attributes, and and His relationship with us! You can hear from the Lord directly through His Word, taking Godly advice from many wise counselors~ who are people in the faith whom you trust~ asking and using the insight and guidance from the Holy Spirit. God is NOT in a box, He is the unlimited, loving and just Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it- most notably in His value and love, you and me, whom He made in His image. )
God is the Great I AM.
There is only
One God: Who is Father, Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit~~~Who are the Trinity. They are Three Persons, yet God is Spirit.
Thank you to my dear friends in Christ Jesus~~~ Sister-Mentors, fellow students of the Bible, Jan and Vicky, for each encouraging me in the same few days of recent~~~ to continue using my poetry in the blog- how dear you are; your love and words meant a great deal of encouragement to me from you! (***See the note at the end of today's writing to link to Vicky's blog and Jan's own postings; you won't be disappointed!)
Coming across an "old" cd today, I found these poems and writings that I wrote approximately 10 years ago, while I was still recuperating from a serious car accident. That accident brought me much closer to God, and I am grateful, not for being injured/disabled, but that circumstances that He did allow, brought ultimate good for me, and I hope others. In some ways, it was hardest on my family. As my husband Royce said recently, "It made us better people." Most items below/here are from earlier 2000, although there is an exception with one or two that are more recent.
I hope and believe that these words of encouragement and truth will speak to your heart and mind to bring you comfort, reassurance, and the Promise Who is Christ, alone,
none other.
I hope and believe that these words of encouragement and truth will speak to your heart and mind to bring you comfort, reassurance, and the Promise Who is Christ, alone,
none other.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 New International Version
Nothing Unnoticed
Did you know that you have a Heavenly Father
Who counts your tears and puts them in a bowl?
That He knows the desires of your heart?
Knows the very number of the hairs on your head?
When you sit, or stand, or are in any other position or
He is aware, ready to help…
Nothing about you goes by Him,
He knows the very character of your soul.
He died- just for you.
God is So Good
How can God be so good to me?
I asked
As I learned that my
Hope for healing was coming true.
But He is, was, and ever-shall-be
Our greatest hope for wholeness.
He wants us
As he had hope for us
In the beginning.
~~~~~Donna, 3/20/2003~~~~~
Snippets of Thoughts on God
He will see you through each passing day.
Every single breath I take is by the will of God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for my life in You.
Donna, October 10, 2004
God is so very beautiful to me today—
Is it God, or is it my perception of Him?
Donna, March 1, 2004
Do not despair,
For God is with you- today and tomorrow.
His mercies are unending,
And someday, you will be with your loved one-
Beyond Compare
I can’t wait to
See your face,
Your real, exact
Will I fall down
Before you?
Will You
Sweep me up
Into your arms?
Probably both-
And a
Million other
Whatever- it will be beyond any expectation!!
Donna- June 19, 2003
Full in the knowledge and grace that Christ is, has been,
and always will be…
We serve Him with those He puts before us this day.
Donna M.
This latter sentence about serving God was a very important insight to me as I was getting well from the car accident...there were such incredibly special and loving, giving nurses who helped me, and I could see more how God was using me in little ways to help others, too. Do not ever underestimate how much the Lord puts you where you are and gives to you there from others, and then how He puts YOU right where you can be an uplifting person to another :)
Be Happy, Christian!
How could we be sad?
Oh, Holy Spirit,
You have eternity in perfection with
Our Perfect Lamb, Sweet Jesus,
For which to look forward!
You are a daughter or son,
A saint of Christ.
Comfort us ‘til we join
Our Great God.
Donna M.
The LORD is So Very, Very Good
The LORD is So Very, Very Good
God just keeps healing me,
God just keeps healing you.
If we only could conceive
Of the many healings we receive!
Taking for granted
His daily miracles-
So many, uncountable…
But His heart is so full
And His mercy and power
So boundless.
Yes, God just keeps healing me,
And He keeps healing you.
If only we could fathom
His never-ending love.
Only Christ Jesus
Shows us the way to the Father
Through our Savior’s sacrifice- for us,
We can accept the truth, that, yes…
God just keeps healing me,
God just keeps healing you.
Donna, September 28, 2003
Of course
I give credit
To the Lord
For healing me…
Who else did it?
Donna- April 30, 2003
"Jesus Tomb," with Mary Magdalene (one of my favorite people of the Bible)... Thank you, lostseed.com , so very much for your gorgeous pictures of Jesus that are free to the public. I appreciate the Light and Life of Jesus Christ that you give to my blog and to other people and places for inspiration and enjoyment. God bless you!! :)
*** Jan Bracken:
*** Vicky Thomas:
Vicky's blog, "Active Mentoring in Christ:" www.activementoringinchrist.com
God richly bless you in the grace of His Son, Jesus Christ, now and forever! Thank you for stopping by, anytime.
Note on poems and writing: Please feel free to enjoy any of my work or people mentioned herein the blog postings- we write for the Lord and you, Dear Friend~! An earnest request and statement: you may send to your personal circles of influence; however, it is not my intent for anyone to publish any material. I have copyright and exclusive ownership- from the Lord- He made me and gives me the inspiration, help and guidance, and any ability whatsoever that I possess.
Jesus blesses you and me. Jesus saves. He is the only One Who does that for humanity, each one of us.
Donna M.
Jesus blesses you and me. Jesus saves. He is the only One Who does that for humanity, each one of us.
Donna M.