Steemlit.com, Thank You!
God's Magnificent Power of Prayer!
To Move in our Lives
There have
been extraordinary happenings, that I am aware, with prayer and God's desire and power to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He has done these through this blog, which I feel extremely thankful and filled with Joy to be writing for people, friends near and far, about the Lord God.
And the Word became Flesh to draw us closer to Him and to extend the Kingdom of God for His glory,
not the least of which, is for our GOOD, always! He is always,
in the Lord's infinite Way, He is moving for His eternal purposes.
Oh, how He loves you and me.
The First Occurrence
At the very end of 2013, as I reviewed the number of page views per posting/s and the countries where people were reading, I said to God, “Could we have some increase in the numbers?” I also prayed for more countries in South America and Africa, specifically. Within several weeks, there was a one-month increase (30-day period) that the numbers of page views were higher than ever before for this blog. The page views had arisen to 728, the Lord had multiplied by 3X my hope for more people around the world to be hearing about the greatness of God! This amount was higher than the blog ever had been prior, at that point in time.
Not only had the Lord answered my prayer, but He also had enabled that highly visible increase in South America and in countries in Africa! Hoping to get more readership in these two continents were regions I had specifically looked at longingly for more folks to be reading! In addition, there was even marked growth to new countries in Europe and Asia, and the Central Americas began to increase.
The Lord heard my prayer, and He acted in the supernatural and the natural. Only God could account for such a happening. I am always astounded in the Lord Jesus' abilities to be powerful and moving for the good. The Lord promises that He will never leave nor forsake us; that He will make a way and go before us; that He will be a light unto our feet, a lamp before our path; that if we ask, we shall receive; that He is always near, especially to the broken-hearted and of contrite spirit; and the list of His mercy and goodness goes on and continues into eternity! We are amazed when He IS Who He says He IS- God Almighty of Heaven and Earth and everything that exists! As the song says, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"! He does care about every detail in your life, bar none. The Holy Spirit helps me to write, guiding and directing me in the words and the content of the postings. After there had been His obvious, marvelous response to prayer, I heard myself say to the Lord Jesus one day as I came to sit at the computer,
“Let’s see what is happening with our blog today.” Our work had become a more “together” thing, just Him and me...and everyone here and abroad who has graced reading these postings. As I look at the map of the world, I thank Him for individuals or the individual who is reading such-and-such story or posting in a very particular country.
There is a tremendous power from God and through you and me, as His believers, when we pray to Him- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He moves and breathes and acts on earth and in the heavens, everywhere in His universe- exponentially beyond what we might think or imagine in His Almighty power and the vastness of His creation- in every single thing and us! God is the most potent and strong force of all, especially when He can work within us for His Kingdom, now and forever. He cares about every detail of our lives. He cares about the plans for you, plans for good and for hope and a future; He knows those plans... (See Jeremiah 29:11) He takes you right where you are and grows you. He loves us and enlightens us. He is every breath we take. ALL comes from Him, the Light of Life, Living Water. “I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
(Colossians 1:24-27)
Jesus looked at them and said,
"With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible."
(Matthew 19:25, NIV)
"With man this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible."
(Matthew 19:25, NIV)
The Second Occurrence
I have an ever-increasing desire for many Jews to be coming to the Messiah in throngs and to realize that Jesus, Yeshua, IS the Messiah- each and all, for all Gentiles and Jews, because the time is drawing short!!!
I called my very close friend and mentor, +++ Vicky Thomas, to tell her and to see what she
thought about the almost unbelievable number of 417 page views from Israel that
day/eve, she exclaimed with intense emotion, "Oh, our Lord is calling His
people to Himself!"
I had been thinking/praying lately- "I really would like to see Israel come up again...it's been a while..." Also, countries to come up in the middle east, and then the day or so before this happened with Israel, someone in Saudi Arabia had been reading a posting! I was extremely happy!
In the United States, 30 page views in one day would be fantastic, maybe, but 417?! That is the number that came up on June 27 and 28, 2014, between Friday and Saturday this year from Israel!! This was unheard of, unthinkable, and not imagined in my wildest dreams in one specific 24-hour period, let along clustered around a rather narrow time-frame! I was shocked and almost questioned the number, but I knew the Lord would not appreciate my questioning what He had made to come to pass... All the numbers are still there today. (Of great interest/note: God's numbers of the The Holy Bible carry great meaning; I believe numerics comes from the Hebrew people: 4+1+7 = 12, which is numeric for divine government, the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 disciples of Christ.) I consider this happening to be a miracle of God. With Israel's having the 417 page views in a one day's time, the total for the month of June was 769 page views, the very highest thus far. With the Lord, all things are possible: as the song says, "Ain't no mountain high enough; ain't no valley low enough; ain't no river wide enough---to keep me from You"! I am not sure to whom the song refers, but for me, it is the Lord God Almighty :)
This is the Lord's doing and thank you, too! Very recently, 79 page views in the span of 2 days were counted in the United Kingdom! Thrilling to me! I am grateful that many in America are reading~ The Healing is Always Christ~ by far the greatest numbers from one country. Every person in each country who is reading about the Lord and passing on the torch about the Good News of Jesus Christ has value, incalculable! We have just passed over the 7,500 mark (7 + 5 = 12, yet once more) in overall country page views and are continuing forward Godspeed.
All of the time- God is moving and helping to help change minds and hearts, situations, and conditions- anything and everything is within His scope of capability. There is also free will~ a person makes decisions good for oneself, family, church, friends, community and can even effect our region, country and the world. Unfortunately, people can make decisions that are bad, also, sometimes excruciatingly horrible at the maximum end of that spectrum. The Lord God is in ultimate control and can cause to move~ (to inspire, prompt, stimulate, motivate, provoke, influence, rouse, induce, incite-from the Amplified Bible, +++Vicky Thomas introduced to me.) ~His love, purpose, and will in each life, and there are innumerable occurrences when He has answered prayer and initiated His divine hand that we are unaware.
James 4:2 New International Version (NIV)
2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
Do we realize what exciting, challenging, and incredible times we are living? Probably not nearly as much as is that reality of our ability to understand; through a light dimly we look~~~ for now~~~while those of us in Christ await His soon and perfectly timely Second Coming. We truly are walking on the earth, being affected by the signs of the times!
Another very close friend, (see ###) Jan Bracken, has said that God has specially chosen us to be living right now, right here- wherever each of us is living to be in these extreme times closer to the beginning of the end times. Further, we are the called- to be the children of God to live and to speak on Jesus' behalf, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is a Salvation Prayer that you may pray if you truly want to be a follower/disciple of Christ and to have His peace, love and eternal salvation.
A Prayer for Salvation
Dear God in Heaven,
I want to accept, Jesus, Your gift of Salvation, Your Son whom You gave us. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that you died on the cross for me, taking my sins away forever and ever. You paid my price, so when I die, I will go to Heaven to be with You and other believers. I want to start right now with You as the Lord of my life- protecting, comforting, and guiding me, as I daily seek Your perfect will for me. I want to be a shining light of You, Oh, Lord Almighty, and to help others in my sphere of influence and love and to pass on Your Good NewsDear God in Heaven,
In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen, So be it.
Writing "The Healing is Always Christ" has become a dream come true for me. When proposed at first by Joni Ames(www.joniames.com) to write a blog, then she emphasized to me several times more, I thought I had no desire whatsoever to do so. So I thought!
However, God had different ideas for the spreading of His Word...within one year's time with some poetry about the Lord that I was putting together in a small "book," just for family and friends, the Lord had completely
changed my mind and heart about writing a blog. Amazing, always God is. That is my most used word about Him- amazing. Yes, is He is the fair and perfect Judge and a multitude of characteristics of His I AM, His Oneness, Who is the Trinity~ God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit of God. Joni's ministry is in prophetic teaching and ministry where she uses her gifts of the Holy Spirit. She edifies the church and encourages the believers, just like the Bible says. (Here is a link to tie you with Dr. Charles Stanley's sermons on the gifts of the Holy Spirit...
Both Jan and Vicky, whom I mentioned in this posting, are two of the greatest ladies in the Lord that I know! We met for several years every Wednesday to pray, to study the Bible, and to worship the Lord together; I am often mindful and thankful to God for this incredible learning and unique experience with these two forever friends and mentors, plus Joni, and many more people earlier in my life and throughout the years in the faith, most including a fabulous group/s of Christian women and friends and, of course, our church family (www.communitylifechurch.com).
###Two postings that Jan has put on this blog:
Christmas Poems~~~
The Wedding Invitation and GO!~~~
+++Furthermore, Vicky has a relatively new blog out now,
"Active Mentoring in Christ," at:
www.activementoringinchrist.blogspot.com +++
May the Lord God richly bless you in the grace and love of His Son, Jesus Christ, forever and ever!
May the Lord God richly bless you in the grace and love of His Son, Jesus Christ, forever and ever!
Scriptures that have the power of prayer with the Lord:
Further notes that might interest you in the power of prayer... Believing very strongly and firmly in the power of our Lord in the mystery and wonder of prayer between us with Him, the two incidents where prayer was answered specifically have statistical fact to back the reality of what happened.
Because there are obvious and incredible results! You will see fruit; you will see change for the better; you will see that prayer between yourself and our Lord and Savior- as He has intended for us to have with Him- is answered!
He always hears us.
As you pray for others in your life, you will see their lives changing~~~ growing in closeness to the Lord, answers for Salvation, and more! Again, I am eternally full of Joy and thankful to my dear mother who lived her life with prayer to God, a most important and obvious part of her daily life, while she was here on earth! Now, she is praying in Heaven with that great cloud of witnesses:
1Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.…
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21, NKJV
Donna M.
Ephesians 3:20-21, NKJV
Donna M.
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